EAT THE RAINBOW week has been so exciting in Kindergarten! We have been brave and tried almost all the foods we were given to try. Each day was a new color scheme and a new tasting experience. What was your child's favorite part of eat the rainbow week???
PLEASE sign up for a parent-teacher conference if you have not already.
Books Read: Clifford's Spring Clean Up, Clifford's Pals, Clifford and the Big Storm, Clifford's Good Deeds, A Rainbow of My Own,
Science: How eating a variety of colorful foods helps keep us healthy. Try to eat a rainbow everyday! (And we don't mean Skittles).
During writing time they are writing how-to books. Teaching our friends about things we know how to do and showing how to do that in steps. Adding labels, lists, titles, bold print, and numbers help others follow your directions. It has been fun planning out and then writing steps. Not easy, but they are all getting really good at the process.
Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. We have been writing words and sentences using our characters.
In math we are working with 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes, two digit numbers, formation of numbers, addition and subtraction practice, counting and number recognition, solving number stories, and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. Also assessment for report cards.
We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)
Upcoming Events:
April 16&17 Half days of school- dismissal after lunch! Parent Teacher Conferences- PLEASE sign up!
April 20-24 Vacation
May 21 and 22- No kindergarten. Kindergarten screening those two days for all entering kindergarten children next year.
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