I hope you are all having a wonderful summer up to this point with lots more fun and adventure to come! I thought you might like to have an overview of what our school day is going to look like and what supplies you will need as you enter Kindergarten.
School begins at 8:40 am every day except Wednesdays. All schools in RSU1 have a late start on Wednesdays and we begin that school day at 9:40 am. The end of our day is 2:50pm.
The bus schedule is usually in the newspaper in August. If you have any questions about busing, please contact our front office.
We have a snack in the morning and again at the end of the day. Please send in healthy snacks and drinks in a lunchbox labeled with your child's name. Breakfast and lunch are available every day.
PLEASE make sure I know where to send your child at the end of the day. If there is a change of plans for after school please send a note, send me an email or call Betsy at the front desk. My main goal is the safety of your child. Please help me do that!
***Back pack (labeled with name)
*** lunch box (labeled with name)
*** pencil box or pouch
***(thick)markers and 2 glue sticks
***a 2-pocket folder for home/school communication (labeled with name)
*** head phones (for use with Chromebooks. We find the head phones stay better than ear buds- but that is up to your family to decide) (labeled with name)
***a pair of sneakers that will stay at school and only be used for P.E.
In the past, some parents have sent a change of clothes in for those unforeseen mishaps. If you do this, a large ziplock bag labeled with your child's name works very well.
As the year goes on, we will need other supplies (Lysol wipes, tissues, paper products) but I will address those needs as we progress through the year!
We will be having a bus run on Thursday August 23rd @ 10:00am. We will all meet at school and the children will ride the bus, go to their classroom and visit the cafeteria for a snack. They can bring their supplies on that day if it would make the backpack a little lighter! I hope you all can make it!
If you need to contact me:
(207) 443-9739