Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 17, 2020

Dear Families,

It has been a very busy week. We are continuing our procedures and community building. We have enjoyed going to the different specials classes and meeting many new faces and doing fun activities.

Please make sure all paperwork that came home this week is returned as soon as possible. I'm working on getting the correct information back out for the computers that you have at home. I am sorry this has been such a mess and full of confusion, but we will get it! If your students hasn't brought in headphones yet, please send them in. Our work on the computers is better with headphones. Thank you! 

Books Read: A variety of Pete the Cat stories, Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, and Franklin's First Day of School.

We have also begun our science adventure with Go2Science that we will be talking about as time goes on...we are on the hunt for dinosaur fossils! 

In math we are getting to know numbers, introducing attributes of shapes, sorting, graphing birthdays, and our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observation, and the days  of the week.

 Many reading and writing assessments have taken place these first few days of school. We will begin a more structured approach to reading and writing beginning soon. 

We have begun to be scientists and use our observation skills to watch caterpillars grow-and grow-and grow! Most of them are in chrysalis form right now. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)