Yes, this is the newsletter for the week. Early for 2 reasons.
1. Art Show and STEAM night here @ WCS this Thursday.
Lots of stuff going on Thursday from 5-7. Fun for the whole family. Along with the art show, we will have activities in the gym, cafeteria, and out on the playground. In the cafeteria, we will have tin foil boat making, Lego Pictionary, a Slime making station, Toothpick marshmallow 3-D structures, and plankton races. In the gym will be paper airplane making, a mirror drawing challenge, a microscope station, Lego simple machine making, and a K'nex and Zometool building station. Outside we will have sidewalk chalk, Alka-Seltzer rockets, Baking soda volcanoes, Coke and Mentos explosions, and Bubbles in the field! We will also have fun raffles going on in the front hallway to help pay for all the consumables used during the night.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HOW FUN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2. I will have a substitute on both Thursday and Friday as Mrs. Plummer and I prepare to meet our next year's kindergarten students.
Time is getting short and my heart is starting to get heavy. Only 25 school days are left and I'm SO not ready to say goodbye. These small people are the best and make my heart smile~
Enjoy the rest of your week and have a wonderful weekend!