Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019

Dear Families,

Books Read: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Caterpillar's Wish, Butterfly Suits, Fill a Bucket. We ate a snack of all the fruits the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate as well as some spinach that represented the leaves. Ask your child what their favorite fruit was!

In math we are getting to know numbers, introducing attributes and sorting, multisensory counting, patterns and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard).

ITEM NEEDED: We will begin using our Chromebooks next week and each student is asked to provide either earphones or earbuds for use with or Chromebook time. If you haven't sent them in yet, please do.  I will place them  in an individual bag with your student's name on it. They will be kept at school for daily work.

We are headed to Rocky Ridge Orchard in the near future! Keep an eye out for the date and time!

Upcoming Events: 
October 11- NO SCHOOL- Teacher Inservice
October 14- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

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