Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 13, 2019

Dear Families,

Happy Friday the 13th and full moon week! It has been a very busy and productive one~

Thank you for bundling up your little people! We will go outside as long as the temperature is above 10 degrees (including windchill) so it is very important!

Books Read: Countdown To Christmas, Merry Christmas, Big Hungry Bear!, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Night Before Christmas, Arthur's Christmas

During writing time they are; using patterns like-"I like" and "I see" to make books to share with their friends. The pattern of language and staying on one topic while exploring this kind of writing are the key concepts.

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned this week were; Edgar Elf/ Ellie Elephant and Thick Thorny Thing

In math we are working with teen numbers, formation of numbers, making pictures to match the number written, addition and subtraction practice and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events:

Friday December 20-We will be having some fun with the story, The Polar Express. The students are allowed to bring their pajamas to change into here at school. They also may bring a special stuffed animal as long as it can fit inside their backpack. Also a VERY low-key “Party”-NO GIFTS- We also will have some healthy snacks, so if you are interested in sending in a healthy snack or juice or cups or plates, let me know at

December 23-January 1- Vacation-Enjoy family and friends! Blessings all!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

December 6, 2019

Dear Families, 

 Report cards are coming home today and may look very different from what you are used to. Don't hesitate to contact me with questions or confusions!

PLEASE remember that we are very busy at school and the sharing of toys, jewelry, hair accessories, and cash should not be something we are doing at school. It is confusing and distracting. Thank you.

We have been having so much fun learning about the solar system this week! We know what makes day and night and that the sun is our closest star. How exciting! 

Books Read: Out In Space, Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System, Stars! Stars! stars!, Eight Spinning Planets, There's No Place Like Space, Sun: Our Nearest Star, What Makes Day and Night?

During writing time we are working on a new unit~ writing pattern books. Books like; I like..., I see..., I can....    These are helping to build stamina in both reading and writing as beginning readers are often first successful reading books with a consistent, repetitive pattern throughout. Although this is a short unit, it is going to be a powerful one!

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned this week are Gilda Goose and Crazy Camel.

In math we are working with teen numbers, playing games with partners, formation of numbers, making pictures to match the number written, addition and subtraction practice and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events: 

December 6- Report cards home

December 20-January 1-  Christmas Vacation

Thursday, November 21, 2019

November 22, 2019


Monday and Tuesday (25th and 26th) are 1/2 days of school for children.

Monday (25th) is parent/teacher conference day. If you haven't signed up yet, please do!

There is no school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of next week. Happy Thanksgiving to all and be safe! 


Friday, November 15, 2019

November 15, 2019

Dear Families,

What a wonderful lunch celebration we had today with our grandparents and grandfriends. Delicious food and good company!

A bit of help that I need... please assist your child by making sure there are no toys or other distractions in their backpacks or pockets. We have had many instances of students "giving, trading, sharing, lending" items and we honestly don't have the time for those distractions in our day. I really need your help with this and I thank you in advance. 

The turkey projects are pouring in and they are simply wonderful! The children enjoy sharing their families with their friends. If you haven't brought it back yet, please do this week! 

If you have not signed up for conferences yet, please do. I can't wait to talk about your student's first trimester of kindergarten. 

Honey and Clover (our traveling stuffed animals) have visited quite a few houses and had some wonderful adventures so far. Thank you for taking care with them!

We are telling stories across pages in our writing blocks. Sharing work with partners and adding details have all added to our good work in writing!

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned about this week were; Kimmy Kangaroo and Farley Fox

In math we are working with teen numbers, recognizing teen numbers through movement, formation of numbers, addition and subtraction practice and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events: 
November 21- Our first "lock down" drill
November 22- Book Orders Due
November 25 & 26- 1/2 Day Students- Parent Teacher Conferences (Please sign up)
November 27,28,29 No School for Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 7, 2019

My son, Patrick

Dear Families,

Thank you Veterans!

A turkey project has come home with your child this week. Have fun creating together and please send it back in when finished~
Also, two new friends have begun travelling home with friends: Their names are Honey  and Clover...they will visit your home soon if they haven't yet!

A bit of help that I need... please assist your child by making sure there are no toys or other distractions in their backpacks or pockets. We have had many instances of students "giving, trading, sharing, lending" items and we honestly don't have the time for those distractions in our day. I really need your help with this and I thank you in advance. 

We are continuing to tell stories across pages in our writing blocks. Sharing work with partners and adding details  has added to our good work!

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned about this week were; Arnie Aardvark and Jenny Jaguar.  

In math we are working with sorting, ten frames, teen numbers, recognizing teen numbers through movement, formation of numbers, addition and subtraction practice and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events: 
November 8- NO SCHOOL- Teacher Inservice
November 11- Veterans Day Observed- No School

Friday, October 25, 2019

October 25, 2019

Dear Families,

We have been learning about fire safety this week and we will be joined by the Woolwich Fire Department on Monday as they share their knowledge with us about safety. We will learn about the fire truck and how to keep safe. Some students are unsure if their family has an outside meeting place if they have to evacuate their house. Do you have one? Have you practiced your escape route with your family? Have you changed the batteries in your smoke detectors lately? I care a lot about you all and want you to stay safe!!!

Books Read: Firehouse, Curious George at the Fire Station, Clifford the Firehouse Dog, My Fire Engine

During writing time they are starting to; visualize places and people to write about, add words (letters) to their pictures, rehearse what they want to say about what they wrote, take turns sharing their ideas and writing with partners and show movement in their drawings for a fun effect. We talked a lot this week about being BRAVE writers and adding more and more letters to our words and words to our sentences.

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned this week were Sadie Seal and Rosie Raccoon/Rhino Ralph.

In math we are getting to know numbers 0-30, sorting, using math manipulatives, identifying and describing triangles, reviewing spatial vocabulary and concepts (top, below, between, next to, around, over, under, left, right), dot cards, five frames, addition is "putting together"and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events: 
November 3- Clocks Back!
November 8- NO SCHOOL- Professional Development
November 11- No School-Veteran's Day 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 10, 2019

Dear Families,

A huge THANK YOU for those who traveled to Rocky Ridge apple orchard with us last week. It was such a beautiful day! The children painted their pumpkins and brought them home to put out for Halloween. We also made applesauce last with the apples we got at Rocky Ridge and after lots of turning and squishing, we ate the delicious treat! I hope you found the apple core I sent home with the attached instructions for planting your own apple tree.

Our Go2Science mission to Thailand is continuing to be an exciting adventure for us. We have learned so much about tigers and other animals found in that far away place. Our 3-D printer has also been busy printing out artifacts that Beth and Curtis have been discovering in the field. All very exciting!

We are finishing our study of the life cycle of the butterfly. We currently have 1 last caterpillar in chrysalis. Hoping the weather stays mild until he can travel to Mexico!  We have learned so much about the caterpillar life cycle!

Books Read: Big, Red Apple, Mr. Brown's Magnificent Apple Tree, Wiggle's Apple Book

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we learned this week were; Felix Fox and Max the Ox.

In math we are getting to know numbers 0-10, sorting, discussing a graph, using math manipulatives, 10 frames,  finger counting, working with shapes and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events: 

October 11- No School- Professional development day for teachers
October 14- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019

Dear Families,

I am sending this newsletter home today for a couple of reasons. I will be out on Friday and your student's pictures arrived and I didn't want to wait to send them home. 

PLEASE remember to dress your student in play clothes, layers,  and boots/sneakers on Monday for our trip to Rocky Ridge Orchard. If you signed up to chaperone I am counting on you coming with us. You can ride the bus or meet us there. We are leaving around 8:45.

In science we continue to learn about the life cycle of the butterfly. We currently have 10 caterpillars still munching and we have 4 in chrysalis as of this morning.  Hopefully they will become butterflies soon so we can release them for their flight to Mexico before the cold weather sets in! We have learned so much about the caterpillar life cycle! We also began learning about apples and their life cycle in preparation for our trip to the orchard next week. 

Books Read: Apple Trouble, Mr. Brown's Magnificent Apple Tree, Big Red Apple, The Apple Pie Tree

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The character we learned about this week was Ollie Ostrich. We also did our first "magic draw" of a "pup". 

In math we are getting to know numbers 0-10, sorting, discussing a graph, using math manipulatives, using 5 frames, practicing with quick looks at collections of dots, finger counting, working with shapes and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are still learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events:

September 30- Field trip Rocky Ridge~If you signed up to chaperone I am counting on you to be there~ 

October 11- NO SCHOOL-Professional Development Day 

October 14- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

Friday, September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019

Dear Families,

PLEASE remember to send in the $5.00 along with the permission slip for Rocky Ridge Apple Orchard if you have not already. I need the money in order to request a check before we go. If this is a hardship please let me know. If you signed up to go on the field trip I am expecting you to come! Thank you~

 Thank you for those earbuds/headphones that came in this week. We will hopefully be starting next week with some guided technology practice.
In science we continue to learn about the life cycle of the butterfly. We currently have 10 caterpillars still munching and we have 4 in chrysalis as of this morning.  Hopefully they will become butterflies soon so we can release them for their flight to Mexico before the cold weather sets in! We have learned so much about the caterpillar life cycle!

We have also started our new mission to Thailand for our Go2Science program. We are studying tigers as well as learning a lot about the culture, people, and animals of Thailand. Exciting stuff!

Books Read: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, 10 Little Rubber Ducks, "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly", Said the Sloth, Mister Seahorse and other Eric Carle favorites!

Animated Alphabet is our approach to phonemic awareness and spelling. The letters are taught through a multi sensory approach of music, dance, characters and signs which help the students hold onto that information. The characters we have learned this week were; Polly Panda and Uncle Upton.

In math we are getting to know numbers 0-10, sorting, discussing a graph, using math manipulatives, working with shapes and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are still learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events:

September 30- Field trip Rocky Ridge~If you signed up to chaperone I am counting on you to be there~ 

October 11- NO SCHOOL-Professional Day for Teachers

October 14- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

Friday, September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019

Dear Families,

Books Read: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Caterpillar's Wish, Butterfly Suits, Fill a Bucket. We ate a snack of all the fruits the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate as well as some spinach that represented the leaves. Ask your child what their favorite fruit was!

In math we are getting to know numbers, introducing attributes and sorting, multisensory counting, patterns and continuing our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observations, tracking the number of days we have been in school and days of the week. 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard).

ITEM NEEDED: We will begin using our Chromebooks next week and each student is asked to provide either earphones or earbuds for use with or Chromebook time. If you haven't sent them in yet, please do.  I will place them  in an individual bag with your student's name on it. They will be kept at school for daily work.

We are headed to Rocky Ridge Orchard in the near future! Keep an eye out for the date and time!

Upcoming Events: 
October 11- NO SCHOOL- Teacher Inservice
October 14- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6, 2019

Dear Families,

It has been a very busy week. We are continuing our procedures and community building. We have enjoyed going to the different specials classes and meeting many new faces and doing fun activities. Today we traveled to library and will be checking out a book next week to bring home! Please see the attached letter from Mrs. Luchies concerning library procedures. Please make sure all paperwork that came home this week is returned as soon as possible. One other detail I forgot to mention in my opening letter is that folders come home on Fridays with student's work from the week, this newsletter and other pieces of information.

Books Read: A variety of Pete the Cat stories, Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten, Franklin's First Day of School, Timothy Goes to School

In math we are getting to know numbers, introducing attributes of shapes, sorting, graphing birthdays, and our calendar routines. Our routines at calendar time include; counting to the calendar number of the day, weather observation, tracking the number of days we have been in school and the days  of the week.

 Many reading and writing assessments have taken place these first few days of school. We will begin a more structured approach to reading and writing beginning next week. 

Next week we will begin to be scientists and use our observation skills to watch caterpillars grow-and grow-and grow! 

We are learning about the Woolwich Way! The Woolwich Way is made up of 6 qualities that will help us to be the best we can be! (Courtesy- I can use good manners, Compassion-I can help others, Respect- I can treat others kindly, Honesty-I can tell the truth, Responsibility- I can take care of myself and my stuff, Quality- I can do my best even when things are hard)

Upcoming Events!

September 12~ Picture Day~ WCS Open House at 5:30
October 11-Professional Day- No School
October 14- Columbus Day- No School

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I hope you are all having a wonderful summer up to this point with lots more fun and adventure to come! I
just went white water rafting for my birthday and it was AMAZING! I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
I thought you might like to have an overview of what our school day is going to look like and what supplies
you will need as you enter kindergarten. 

School begins at 8:40am every day except Wednesday. All schools in RSU1 have a late start on
Wednesdays and we begin that school day at 9:40am. The end of our day is 2:50pm. 

The bus schedule is usually in the newspaper in August. If you have any questions about busing please
contact the front office. 

We have a snack in the morning and again at the end of the day. Please send in healthy snacks and
drinks in a lunchbox labeled with your child’s name. Breakfast and lunch are available every day and the menu is
always posted on the Woolwich Central School website. 

PLEASE make sure I know where to send your child at the end of every day. If there is a change of plans for
after school PLEASE send in a note, send me an email, or call the front office before the end of the day.
My main goal is the safety of your child. PLEASE help me do that!

***Backpack (labeled with name)
***Lunchbox (labeled with name)
***Pencil box or pouch (labeled with name)
***Thick markers
***A 2-pocket folder for home/school communications (labeled with name)
***Headphones for use with Chromebooks. We find that headphones work better than earbuds but that is up to
your family to decide. (labeled with name)
***A pair of sneakers that will live at school and be used for P.E. 
***I ask that parents send in an extra set of clothes to stay at school for unexpected mishaps. A large ziplock
bag with their name on it works well to store them in.

As the year goes on we will need other supplies like; Lysol Wipes, Kleenex, Paper Products,
Hand Sanitizer and I will ask for them in our weekly newsletters. If you would like to send in any of these
items at the start I would not be sad!

We will be having a bus run and get together on August 27th @ 10:00 am. We will all meet at
school and the children will take a short bus ride, go to their classrooms, and have a snack.
They might want to bring their supplies that day to make their first day of school backpack a little lighter!
Hope to see you there~

If you need to contact me:
(207)443-9739 ext. 3102

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Time To Play!

Hello Families!

I am in the process of taking a class centered around the importance of play. We have spoken about how strongly supportive I am in the area of children playing both at school and at home and this class has once again given me researched, tried and true data about the importance of play in your child's life. I hope to share with you some things that I found fascinating in the text and ideas that might reignite your own ideas about different ways that play can be incorporated into your busy schedule at home! Feel free to comment on any ideas you want to look into or with any questions you might have. I hope your summer is amazing thus far and filled with much adventure and fun!

There are so many places for inspiration on the web and although I have included a couple of my favorites, please keep looking on your own and let me know of some that you find so I can enjoy them to. Resources are endless and communication is so important~we are all in this together!

The National Association for the Education of Young Children gives us their top 10 things they feel are important for us to know as parents as well as educators. I think it is an exceptional list!

As another resource for families and early childhood educators alike, Parenting Counts has another information handout for us. It reviews some myths and long-held beliefs that simply are untrue as well as offering a variety of types of play that your children will be experimenting with both at home and at school this year. (The "rough and tumble" category will be practiced at home and not at school!)

This is a Youtube video entitled: Importance of Play. I find it helpful to have a Doctor with research behind him to back up what I already know to be true...Children HAVE to play in order to develop in all areas of their life.

The text points out some wonderful tips and tricks for you to look at and incorporate in your journey of parenthood. Copy and paste the link and have a look around!


Some activities that are sure to be fun with your children are given here and look to be appropriate for the entire family! Younger and older siblings can join in the excitement~ Copy and paste the link and have a look around!

If you like these kind of blog posts and would like me to put together more like it, please let me know what area you are interested in diving into and I will get started researching that for you! See you in September~


RESOURCE: Connell, G. & McCarthy, C. (2014).A moving child is a learning child. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit.

Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019

Dear Families,

I am in disbelief that the end of May is here. Perhaps because the weather has been questionable or because our days have been so full. Maybe both? Anyway, good-bye May and Hello June!

This week has been simply incredible for us here in Mrs. Sample's kindergarten! Tuesday started us off with an exciting visit from author/ illustrator Kevin Hawkes. He entertained us with his storytelling and sketching. Wednesday our pen pals from Pittston visited us and we were able to share a snack and play outside with them. So fun! Thursday was our field trip to Morris Farm. We learned a great deal about cows, worms, chickens, and sheep. The farm always does such a fantastic job of creating a hands-on experience for us. THANK YOU to all of the parent volunteers that braved the mud and tall grass. You are appreciated! Today is the special all morning event of field day. The children will probably be quite dirty and tired when they get home but they will have had a fun-filled day!

The rest of our time in kindergarten is going to be focused on assessments and preparation for first grade. I get a little melancholy this time of the year. I am so proud of the children and all they have accomplished.

Have a joyful weekend~ Sarah

Friday, May 10, 2019

May 10, 2019

Dear Families,


This week we have spent a great deal of time studying animals that are hatched from eggs (oviparous). They are having so much fun deciding which animals come out of eggs.

We are in our last week of our mission to Baja. The hypothesis we were asked to test is almost ready to be determined and we have learned so much about cetaceans and Baja, Mexico's water, deserts, fossils, food, lifestyle, and people. We also had a tremendous amount of fun designing, constructing, and testing our own whaling boats. So much thinking and planning going on!

A HUGE thank you for all of the pocket change coming in for donation to the well we are supporting to be dug in Kenya at HIP Academy. It will be an exciting mission with Go2Science next year and we are still trying to find ways to integrate your students into that mission so they can see how their contributions have helped those far,far away. I'm so proud of them!

There are many activities coming up in the next few weeks. I can't believe how fast time is going! Please fin a permission slip attached for our trip to Morris Farm. Exciting!


May 27- Memorial Day-No School
May 30- Field Trip to Morris Farm
June 14- Last Day of school- 12:00 dismissal

Friday, May 3, 2019

May 3, 2019

Dear Families,

Happy May! I just know the sun is going to start shining and the heat is going to rise! Positive thinking!

I hope by now you all received my postcard from Arizona. It was a perfect trip and I have had fun sharing pieces of it with the students. The Biosphere 2 was an especially exciting adventure!

We are still studying cetaceans off the coast of Baja. Beth and Curtis implored us to design, create, and test out our own boats. We had a really good time working with our friends trying to get our boats just as we wanted them to be and then testing them in the water to see if they would float. A lot of great engineering going on!

Lots going on from now until the end of the year. Please keep checking back for updates! So far we have:

May 16 & 17- NO SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN ONLY- for incoming kindergarten screening.

May 27- NO SCHOOL- Memorial Day

May 29- Our pen pals visit from Pittston

May 30- Field trip to Morris Farm (more details to follow)

Happy Weekend and thank you for making screen free week fun for your children! We could all do with a little less screen time!