Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

Happy Tuesday!!!

I took Slothy out and measured him this morning!  Pictures and results are below~

I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Did you? Mr. Libby said he didn't have power or internet and Mrs. Plummer said she had about 10 inches of snow at her house! Wow! How much snow did you get? Give me a thumbs down if you lost power and internet like Mr. Libby did. We only got (maybe) two inches and didn't lose either. I am thankful for that because I was able to set up two new online learning opportunities for you! You will find the direct link to each on our Google Classroom~ https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NzU4NTc0ODU2OFpa

The first is the home extension for our Everyday Math program: https://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/connected/pictorialLoginSchool.do?code=m1k3and the second is a keyboarding program that is connected to our Handwriting Without Tears books: it is Keyboarding Without Tears: https://www.plusliveinsights.com/index.html#/setup-kwt I will be sending an email to you each with a picture of both your code for math as well as keyboarding. I will keep my fingers crossed these both are going to work!  Please be on the lookout for your special code and give them a try. I think you will like them both!

I am 5 1/2 inches tall now!!!

My CIRCUMFERENCE is 9 inches!

What do you thing the word "circumference" means? Hmmm...I wonder! Slothy is getting VERY big. I am just able to get him out of the jar! Looking for something a little bigger so he can keep growing! How big do you think he will get?

I will set up our first "face-to-face" online class soon and you will get an invitation via email for this. I'm going to attempt a Zoom Class Meeting on Thursday at 10:00 am. We will see how that goes!

I will talk with you soon and remember if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!


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